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2023-07-10 12:05:10   来源:互联网

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惠灵顿杭州校区校长Kathryn Richardson


1859年,维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王建立了英国惠灵顿公学。自成立元年以来,为表彰在学业和校外生活中表现优异的学子,英国惠灵顿公学开设年度授奖演讲典礼, 让全校师生汇聚一堂,庆贺优秀学子在学年内取得的不菲成就。多年来,授奖演讲典礼仪式已然成为惠灵顿全球大家庭学校的一项重要活动。













总校长Kathryn Richardson为典礼致开幕辞,祝贺同学们今年取得的成就,更鼓励同学们在下一学年继续乘风破浪。致辞最后,总校长衷心地感谢了同学、家长和老师们用不懈的努力为这学年书写辉煌。







WCH celebrates 164 years of Speech Day tradition

“Keep pushing yourself, and never give up on your dreams. With hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, anything is possible.”

- The Master, Kathryn Richardson

History of Wellington College Speech Day

The tradition of Speech Day at Wellington College dates back to 1859 when the school was founded by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The annual event celebrates the academic and extracurricular achievements of the pupils and provides an opportunity for the school community to come together to recognise and celebrate the successes of the academic year. It has evolved over the years to become a significant occasion in the calendar of all Wellington College schools worldwide.

Speech Day was originally established on 18th June, the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, and is usually held near that date. In the early years, it enjoyed royal patronage with King Edward VII attending three times during his reign. The twentieth century saw gradual modernising changes. Women began to play an active role in the event, with the Duchess of Gloucester possibly the first woman to present the prizes in 1967.

Old Wellingtonians (OW) have historically been a key part of the day, with a College v OW cricket match. In honour of this tradition, Wellington College Hangzhou held our own festival of cricket last week in place of co-curricular SA activities. Pupils firmly extended the bond of friendship within Houses and demonstrated the spirit of sportsmanship within the school.

Speech Day at Wellington College Hangzhou 2023

On the fifth anniversary of Wellington College Hangzhou we feel extremely privileged to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of our talented pupils. Over these past five years, our pupils have shown relentless dedication in academic pursuits, arts, sports, music and personal growth, showcasing remarkable talent. Their accomplishments are not only a reflection of their own potential and efforts but also the result of unwavering support and assistance from parents and teachers. These achievements further demonstrate our steadfast commitment to providing an excellent educational environment for holistic development.


WCH pupilchoir

The eagerly anticipated Speech Day began with some wonderful performances by pupils showcasing a range of talents. The school orchestra performed a classical set conducted by our two esteemed former members of the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, followed by an enlightening performance by our pupil choir. In the audience, enjoying the remarkable spectacle, we had a very proud senior leadership team, teachers, parents, and guests.

It was incredibly special to be able to gather together as a whole supportive community to celebrate the achievements of the past year. This special sense of togetherness is a hallmark of a Wellington education.

Mr Brown, Head of Junior High and Senior School

Success is a combination of desire and passion. It is rarely achieved on your own, but rather with friends.

The Master, Kathryn Richardson opened Speech Day and set an impressive tone with an inspiring speech congratulating this year’s achievements while encouraging pupils for next year’s possibilities. The Master paid tribute to all the pupils, parents and teachers who had worked so hard to make this year such a success.

The excitement in the grand theatre auditorium was spine-tingling. Some of the awards presented included The Most Improved Award, The Attainment Award, The House Award, House Spirit Award, CharityAwards, Performingarts pupil of the year, Boarderof the Year, Athlete of the Year, Team of the Year.

We sincerely congratulate all the pupils who received an award. We hope that all Wellington College Hangzhou pupils will follow the example of the outstanding pupils around them, continue to make progress, dare to take responsibility and become more exceptional pupils with Huili and Wellington values.

Speech Day is the epitome of the unique link at Wellington between past tradition, modern practice and future promise. We hope you join us to celebrate many more as we grow together as one school community.

Primary Graduation Ceremony

The grand theatre was again filled with proud parents and teachers as pupils graduated from Primary to Junior High and Senior School at Wellington College Hangzhou last week. Mr Brown, Head of Junior High and Senior School, formally welcomed the pupils and closed the ceremony by sharing words of encouragement and support. It was a momentous occasion, the children brimming with excitement as they waited patiently for their name to be called. They donned their ceremonial cap and gown and took to the stage to be presented with their graduation certificate and scroll by the Heads of School.

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